Friday, October 15, 2010

Baldessari Singing Le Witt: I'm Lovin it.

Hilarious and well put.

On the weekend opening note be sure not to miss:

Headlands Open Studios, Sunday Oct 17, 2010 at noon


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

pink crawer crane/new work

I just uploaded this to my tumblr blog but I thought I would upload it here too, as this is specifically for art. Here is the little blurb I put on tumblr. You can go to that page if you want, but honestly there is more interesting stuff on this blog.

Here is a crappy photo of a new piece I just made. It is a crawler crane made out of hand sewn pink felt and stuffing. I like it. I made this because I have been thinking about the way people fix broken things. In my city we use big construction and demolition vehicles to fix our buildings, streets, what have you. The notion of fixing broken things is interesting to me because it connects to personal coping methods, and how people fix their own broken things.

Anywho, I have a meeting with the girls tonight to finalize the business plan. Hopefully after tonight we can all say DONE-ZO on the proposal, and drink some tea and relax for a second.

On the relaxing note, if you have not gone to a restorative yoga class lately, you need to. I went to a wonderful one on Monday. Highly recommend.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Play Me, I'm Yours

Recently someone on facebook posted a link to this public art project that has been going on for a few years in differnent cities around the country. British Artist Luke Jerram was inspired by the way people see each other every day in their communities, yet never make a meaningful connection, or even learn their neighbor's names. This project was an experiment attempting to bring community members together.
Here is a little blurb from the website:

"Touring internationally since 2008, ‘Play Me, I’m Yours’ is an artwork by artist Luke Jerram

Street pianos are appearing in cities across the world. Located in parks, squares, bus shelters and train stations, outside galleries, markets and on bridges and ferries, the pianos are for any member of the public to enjoy and claim ownership of. Reaching an audience of over 1,000,000 people worldwide, Jerram has installed over 300 pianos in 16 different cities so far.

Who plays them and how long they remain is up to each community. Each piano acts as sculptural, musical, blank canvas that becomes a reflection of the communities it is embedded into. Many pianos are personalised and decorated.

Questioning the ownership and rules of public space ‘Play Me, I’m Yours’ is a provocation, inviting the public to engage with, activate and take ownership of their urban environment.

To get an overview of the arts project check out the Highlights from London2009, see NYC2010 or go to Jerram’s website. All content has been created and uploaded by the public.

Each city has a website (see left column) made for the public to upload and share their films, photos and stories of their interaction with the pianos. The websites act as one of the legacies for the project whilst connecting the pianos and communities across each city. After each presentation of the arts project, the pianos are donated to schools and community groups in the area.

Conceived, promoted and managed by British artist Luke Jerram, please respect the authorship of his artwork."

Here is a video link. Enjoy! I sure did.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ohhhh Noooooo!

Hi there world,
Recently I have been fussing around with a new blog on tumblr and finding that the whole personal blog thing really gives me the willies. I don't know if I would want people following my blog. What if creeps read it? Anyway, I think I am going to revert back to Tetrad's blog here at blogspot and stop freaking myself out. Why would I want my own personal blog when I can happily ramble on this one? Plus Tetrad's blog is all art oriented anyway and that is the only stuff I would be talking about on the other blog anyway.


I am really going to try to post some images of the stuff I have been working on soon. I have to start snapping my "in process" photos so that I have stuff to show.

In other, more relevant news, Tetrad Gallery is putting it's last touches on the business plan so we can submit the proposal. Woohoo. We are inching closer, everyone!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Winston Smith @ E6 Gallery

Hello there world!
I meant to do a little write up about this show about a week ago, and it just kept slipping. Anyway, as we speak there is a lovely and awe inspiring Winston Smith retrospective by the name of "Deep Dimension" at E6 Gallery on Market St. As I'm sure all of you have seen on the ol' facebook page, I have been encouraging people to come check it out. Winston is a collage/montage artist (montage as in most source material in the work is to scale, light is consistent, creating a believable composition, NOT 1980's movie-esq montage).

Some of my favorites from the show posted here.

Cowgirlettes in Space, 2002

Another Day at the Office, 1986

Come check out "Deep Dimension". E6 is open 12-7 Thursday-Sunday.

Amber Jean

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hi All!

Quiet on the gallery openings this week (for me anyway...E6, the gallery that currently is lucky enough to have Amber on their staff did have an opening for Winston Smith last night which I regretfully could not attend!) because of very many important business things and getting studio time in! So let's talk youtube video of the week instead. Our peer, Colby Claycomb, shared this awesome home video the other day, "Life is a Roller Coaster." It's preeeetty perfect (yes, it warrants the 3 extra e's in perfect) so check it out:

For more on Colby's work check out:

Get cozy, enjoy the foggy coldfront and send us your youtube video this week!


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hoooray Lisa!!!!!

Hi there world,
Even though Kate has provided a wonderful summery of our Thursday night, I thought I would throw my in my own little shout out! Lisa's Schmaltz (as usual) had beautiful work for all of us to behold. I especially enjoyed the new piece incorporating blue paper, as well as the new work with sparkly paper. Last I heard from Ms. Lisa she was off to a pow wow with a collector so lets everyone wish her luck on that front! The show is beautiful and she deserves it! If you want to see pictures of Lisa's work, go to her website which is listed on Kate's post.

On to Boy Town. It is true that Ever Gold was transformed into a Slayer infused mini monster truck rally, the likes of which I have never seen. Lots of yelling, and high fiving! Woohooo! It was a super fun vibe, and the smell of dirt made it all the more appropriate to be rowdy. In all seriousness, however, the blue collar Samurai in the back room was incredible. This piece is one that must be seen in person! My Ever Gold high was definitely inspecting the the chain mail armor made of hardware. Beautiful!

Speaking of galleries, I would love to make Thursday nights my gallery night, so if there is anything awesome going on, please please please let me know!

Love Love

Amber Jean